PapaGeno21's Build Thread...


It is perfect though, works on my Dads VTX1300, works on my Ninja 500, and the FZ1..

Can't get any better than that.. Plus they are quality filters at 1/5 the cost of OEM.
WOOT! My case of Royal Purple came in today. So now I have 3 oil changes and 8 filters!



Edit 3-23-11

Just went to WalMart again to get a case of water.. Scooped up a couple more filters. At 10 now...

LOL they are just too cheap to not grab them.


Didn't want to bring this back to the top, so here is just another edit: 3-25-11

Not sure WHEN I am going to do this but here is what I am going to do.. Thanks to everyone for the help, and a ton of searching I have come up with this result.

Lars Airbox
K&N Filter
Gut the Kitten (I am allergic to cats anyways)
Remove Flies
Exup Eliminator
Penske 8983
Send the front shocks to Lee at Traxxion for a work over

If and when DJ comes out with the IM for the PCV, I will get that.

And I will grab a header from Arrow or Dale Walker sometime through the summer and just update the map.

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Sooo.. Did some small stuff to my Ninja 500 today, and then I did an oil change on the FZ1. I am at 2725 right now, and I just put 50 miles on the Royal Purple. HOLY CRAP does it make a difference.

Shifting is insanely smooth, I was not aware the bike could possibly shift like this. All I can say is I am one happy customer! But that concludes all my oil stuff for a while, won't have to even think about another change until I hit around 6500 Miles..
.......Gut the Kitten (I am allergic to cats anyways)

......And I will grab a header from Arrow or Dale Walker sometime through the summer and just update the map.:)

Hey Geno, if you are going to be getting a header it might be just as well to leave the cat in the header. It gives you more options.

So after doing more and more riding, and a good bit of it solo.. I am not sure if I like the thing lowered to be totally honest.

It seems harder to dodge pot holes and whatnot? Does that sound like a sideaffect of what I have done? Almost like it takes a lot of force to throw it side to side..

I dropped the rear 1" and the front 8MM. Not sure if that is good or not. I may just put the front at 5mm and put the stock link in the rear and see if there is a difference.
So after doing more and more riding, and a good bit of it solo.. I am not sure if I like the thing lowered to be totally honest.

It seems harder to dodge pot holes and whatnot? Does that sound like a sideaffect of what I have done? Almost like it takes a lot of force to throw it side to side..

I dropped the rear 1" and the front 8MM. Not sure if that is good or not. I may just put the front at 5mm and put the stock link in the rear and see if there is a difference.

Yea, what you're experiencing is totally normal. It sounds like you lowered the back more than the front and that's why you're experiencing the slower turn in. Why don't you leave the front where it is since 8mm drop is pretty "safe" and bring the back up a half inch. You should notice an improvement in the turn in response.
I will try that Sunday and let you know how I make out. Thanks!


One other thing I just thought about. I am currently running those shit D221 tires that are stock, so I will go up 1/2" in the rear but not change anything else until I get my Q2's mounted on there as that will affect the turn in as well.
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Alright so here is what I did today and I am VERY happy I did it.

Rear end is now back up to only a 1/2" drop. Apparently I had set it at 1.5" drop and thought it was an inch so somehow I screwed that up. That explains why I felt like I was driving a Mack truck. Now this thing handles amazing. TOTALLY different bike. Love it, so I am leaving it at the 8MM front and 1/2" rear drop. Still in shock as to how much the thing handles properly now.. What a freaking difference. It just falls into the corners, and goes back and forth so nice.

Installed my 520 EK MVXZ Chain, along with Driven Superlite Steel 16/45 sprockets. Was my first time doing a chain install, so was a bit nervous using the rivet tool for the first time but I think I got it right. :) Also installed my Driven Axle Block Sliders that my woman bought me for Christmas. I really like this gearing combo, little less buzzy on the highway but still pulls like a monster! Now I understand why most people literally just toss on the 16T and call it a day.

I am aware the bike is filthy, especially the rear rim. I am going to let all this nasty white grease fly off the chain first, then do a nice cleaning. Will be putting around 100 miles on it tomrorow so hopefully most will be off and I can properly clean this bad larry up.

Soon I will be mounting up my Q2's, I figure there is no rush right now until it gets a bit warmer out. I am taking it easy with corners due to the cold temps, tires not getting warm, and roads staying cold so I figure why waste the wear and tear on a nice set of tires, would rather burn these up a bit more.



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I hate to even say this, I don't notice much of a difference. I just did it because I had ordered a chain/sprocket set for the GSX-R600 I briefly had, and when I figured out I was selling it I exchanged it for this setup for the FZ1.

It is considerably lighter though, so I am guessing there is a difference and someone who really rails this thing hard would notice it.

Also, I forgot to mention I re-calibrated my SpeedoDRD for the gear change. Its dead nuts perfect now.
I hate to even say this, I don't notice much of a difference. I just did it because I had ordered a chain/sprocket set for the GSX-R600 I briefly had, and when I figured out I was selling it I exchanged it for this setup for the FZ1.

It is considerably lighter though, so I am guessing there is a difference and someone who really rails this thing hard would notice it.

Also, I forgot to mention I re-calibrated my SpeedoDRD for the gear change. Its dead nuts perfect now.

I'm not surprised that you really didn't notice much of a difference going from the 530 to the 520 chain. Even if it gained you an "extra" HP or two I doubt you would notice it on a bike as powerful as the FZ1.

Also glad to hear that now that you raised the back it's handling good again. I'm not surprised at all!
I have decided that suspension is going to wait until Christmas. I have done enough with this thing money wise for a while. Time to recoup all the cash I have dumped, and just ride her. Suspension is just very expensive, and I would rather save my money right now as the economy is killing my business and I would rather have a cushion financially and deal with harder bumps, vs worry about my bills and have a properly setup ride. LOL

I did however order all the tools to do my own tire changes, so that stuff should be here soon hopefully mid next week and I will mount up my Q2's. My stock 221's are holding up well, but I want them off ASAP.

The only thing coming relatively soon is the Belly pan, getting that first week of June from my woman for our 1 year.

3102 miles and counting... :)
I don't like them due to them sliding around a lot on hard corners. And I am not even leaning it to the edge and they slide around..

Have you considered that it's not the tires but your riding instead? You've only put 2000 miles on this bike over the last 6 months which is hardly enough time to really get comfortable with a new bike. I'm just saying, give those Dunlops a chance. ;)

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with wanting more grip or a different model or type of tire but it reminds me a lot of when I used to instruct at the local driving club's schools & all the students would fumble about on course, spinning off and plowing into cones. They would come back into the pits and complain about their tires having no grip, sliding around, being overheated, etc. That's a valid complaint, so an instructor would get in the car and take it for a rip with totally different results.

Motorcycles are even more sensitive to rider input.
I rode my FZ1 pretty hard on the D221's and I thought they were ok.
I was running them at 34 front 36 rear psi.
They used to tear up pretty good and had ok grip for a sport touring tyre when I used to push them. It's a lot hotter here in Australia so it may be an issue with colder weather?
My new Dunlop Q2's are much better and more confidence inspiring though.