Plethora of mods next weekend!


Well-Known Member
Ok I got my FZ1 back in Feb of this year. I ordered my last few parts today from Ivan. Wanted to wait till I had them all and just do everything at one time. By next weekend I plan to install the following.

Yamaha GYTR carbon fiber slip on
Gut the cat
remove the EXUP
Lars airbox mod
BMC air filter
Graves velocity stacks
AIS kit
ignition control modual
Ivans Flies
and Copperdawgs front blinker pods.

Should be a fun weekend but I know there will be some amount of hair pulling during some part of this process. Will take some pics especially if I run into anything unusual, like me doing something stupid. I know it should go well with all the "how to" threads on here. Lord knows I am gonna need them!
Wow! That's an impressive list! The bike will be a totally different beast when you twist the throttle once again! Good luck and we're here if you need help!
Not quite there yet

Ok well so far today I got the copperdawg front pods put on, the headlight pod mod as well ( finally found all the parts at 3 different autozone's), AIS blockoff (gonna remove it later), crankcase to breather filter and plugged airbox, ivans flies, graves velocity stacks, bmc air filter, engine ice, 2 powerlets put on.

It has been so freaking hot here in Memphis, I took like a million breaks just to stay hydrated! Gonna do a few skydives tomorrow before the rain sets in and then see how much I can finish. Lot of work but having a great time none the less. Pictures to follow!
Done for today

Ok it is now almost 98 degrees outside, used all my time working on my bike decided to pay someone to do the yard this weekend. Can't fall behind on the honey do list! Anyway, I put my laptop in the garage and followed the tutorial from Copperdawg. Removed the stock exhaust, EXUP and servo motor, put the Graves plug so no error codes, gutted the cat, installed my carbon fiber GYTR exhaust. Man that thing sounds awesome!

Probably won't finish the rest of the mods until later in the week. I don't know how everyone else is but step by step pics are good, but for me a step by step video is awesome!! Go copperdawg!

Since wasn't riding my bike got some nice time in the air, jumping out a plane that is! 200 MPH.
She's looking really damned good! :tup: Well done!

Was it as hard for you as it was for me to put a drill bit to the fairing for the CD pods? :eek: :D
Ok it is now almost 98 degrees outside, used all my time working on my bike decided to pay someone to do the yard this weekend. Can't fall behind on the honey do list! Anyway, I put my laptop in the garage and followed the tutorial from Copperdawg. Removed the stock exhaust, EXUP and servo motor, put the Graves plug so no error codes, gutted the cat, installed my carbon fiber GYTR exhaust. Man that thing sounds awesome!

Probably won't finish the rest of the mods until later in the week. I don't know how everyone else is but step by step pics are good, but for me a step by step video is awesome!! Go copperdawg!

Since wasn't riding my bike got some nice time in the air, jumping out a plane that is! 200 MPH.

Wow pipe looks great! I bet that sucker is loud now :D. Oh and good call on paying someone else to do the yard work while you worked on the bike, especially since it was 98° outside ;)
drill bit

She's looking really damned good! :tup: Well done!

Was it as hard for you as it was for me to put a drill bit to the fairing for the CD pods? :eek: :D

Yes, actually it was, I probably re-taped that template about 5 times on each side cause I just knew that I would get them off from each other, but in the end it was worth it, did feel a little weird taking a drill bit to the cat, kept worrying that I would go to far and hit the o2 sensor so just did a little at a time til I got it.
I think I measured for the CD pods at least 6 or 7 times before I finally drilled... and then it was still hard to do. But, they came out just fine!

Good looking ride you've built. :tup:
finally finished

Since it has cooled down outside I decided to finish my mods. Installed Ivans FCE today, next the PCIII and finally the ignition control module. Did the LARS Airbox mod last night.

I used the supplied instructions, copperdawgs videos, as well as how to threads from the forum here. Pretty easy. Was a little nervous with the FCE but it really is simple once you sit down and look at it step by step.

Started it up and everything works great. I did mes up my negative terminal on the battery however :(. There is a nut inside the metal terminal that is held from spinning by plastic ears. These ears broke off so the nut just spins when I try to tighten the negative side up. Gonna go to home depot and see if I can stick a bigger nut in there that wont move else I will just have to break down and buy a new battery, bummer.

Still excited that these last mods are done. So, what are some next mods I can do? My signature shows the rest I have done, kinda running out of ideas, well except for just getting out and riding!!
Still excited that these last mods are done. So, what are some next mods I can do? My signature shows the rest I have done, kinda running out of ideas, well except for just getting out and riding!!

That last one is really what all the others are for anyway, and the most fun!:Rockon:

That being said, I am going to need something to do all winter, so I can see a PCV among others in my future.:hook2: