Self defense or ???

You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the f@*k on.

These are the consequences of living the "thug life". Right or wrong, it doesn't matter.

Well he didn't "leave the pieces on the floor" did he? He took time to alter a crime scene and "f@*k" with the evidence.

"Thug life".......well thats his version of events.

Mmmm, do I believe a bloke that executes people, alters the crime scene, then trys to conceal the crime though ommision by not reporting......probably not! I hope the jury don't either......

Perhaps this thread should be closed.....hate for him to get off because his dodgy lawyer claims he couldn't get a fair trial due to the discussion on social media!
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Well he didn't "leave the pieces on the floor" did he? He took time to alter a crime scene and "f@*k" with the evidence.

"Thug life".......well thats his version of events.

Mmmm, do I believe a bloke that executes people, alters the crime scene, then trys to conceal the crime though ommision by not reporting......probably not! I hope the jury don't either......

Perhaps this thread should be closed.....hate for him to get off because his dodgy lawyer claims he couldn't get a fair trial due to the discussion on social media!

Thats a quote by Tupac Shakur.

What I'm saying is if you live the kind of "thug" lifestyle, one day you will meet a bigger one. Right or wrong, two dead and one in jail.
That's the pictures picked out by the media.

Don't get me started!!
I was the assistant program director and later counselor at a children's home where 2 children died during restraints. I have seen the media machine in action and once you understand what goes into the news - you will never fully trust anything you see/read again.