This is disturbing.

Thats what you took from this? A man in an upperclass vehicle with a 5 month old and his wife found it necessary to put him and his family in the midst of adrenaline junkied bikers who were covering the road on untagged and un licensed bikes with no licens themselves to rear end a bike to prove a point. Please these bikers were terrorizing to say the least.
Yes I do agree it gave a big black eye to bikers but the truth is this is the exact nature as to which these guys ride.
They set out with an image of unlawfulness and uphold the image of thug bikers.

The only thing the drive did wrong was he didnt back up once cornered in town. Or be armed with a legal gun.

Go back and watch the video again, other vehicles were able to pull to the side and not get involved. The driver of that SUV was doing something to instigate the bikers, it just cannot be seen on video because the guy filming was too far back to see it happen.

Yes the situation could of been avoided if the bikers never got such a large group of idiots together, but provoking a mob is also not a good choice either.

Once in town there was no where left to go for him, backing up would of caused more problems.

A gun would of just helped someone get shot.
Go back and watch the video again, other vehicles were able to pull to the side and not get involved. The driver of that SUV was doing something to instigate the bikers, it just cannot be seen on video because the guy filming was too far back to see it happen.

Yes the situation could of been avoided if the bikers never got such a large group of idiots together, but provoking a mob is also not a good choice either.

Once in town there was no where left to go for him, backing up would of caused more problems.

A gun would of just helped someone get shot.

So that’s it? We just pull over and allow terror to rise in the form of bike mobs on the streets. The RR after being brake checked appeared to have stopped as if they would talk about the accident. A report said bikers began to stab at his tires to disable him while one was punching his door. He gassed it. A family in the car is what he was saving. Shame on the dude who felt he needed to help false imprison the RR by not allowing him 'Right of passage" I will NOT lay down to random acts of violent stupidity.
This is my country, unlike most of those riders I pay hard earned tax money to drive in my lane at my pace they came with mob mentality and paid for it. I would not have done anything different. I don’t deserve to have a gang pumble me over a lane.
And yes a gun would have done just as you said. No shame in that.

It is obvious several people see this is different ways. IMO they were not just going to ask him for insurance information.

Who should learn from this tragic lesson? Citizens on the road with their families in the car? Or biker mobs that not all drivers are going to stop and let you get away with destroying their car or their person.

I, at the moment feel the RR felt his options were thin. He chose to try to save his family and self.
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I have watched this video several times and read up on the limited information available to the public. Here's my 2 cents.

1. The biker who brake checked the range rover got what was coming to him, a bumper to his rear tire. No matter what happened to make him so angry, he was aggressive and there were consequences.

2. The RR driver was right to be afraid for his family's safety. I can't say whether running over those bikers was justified. I would like to believe there was a way to avoid it, but I admit I would be scared in a situation like that and that may have been his best option, considering the circumstances. He definitely should have locked his doors, though, and picked a route that would enable him to keep moving. Curb hopping might have been a good strategy to get at least the street bikers off his back.

3. Mieses, the guy who was run over, will likely be paralyzed for the rest of his life. This is tragic! He was rolling with the wrong crowd, definitely, but if it's true that he was trying to check on the downed biker (which I know most of you would likely do), does he really deserve such a horrible fate? I feel bad for the guy, and for his family.

4. I agree that most of these thugs need to lose their bikes and licenses, and something needs to be done to break up these group events. From what I read, the NYPD seized 55 bikes for different offenses that day, so they are already working on ending these events. My hope for these riders is that they wise up and learn to ride responsibly before more people get hurt.

Thanks for the wisdom on this forum, guys. I'll be extra careful not to ruffle any feathers for the next few weeks, and continue to be hyper aware of careless cagers around me. This incident is definitely a reminder to keep a cool head while riding. If someone cuts you off, let it go. If they almost hit you, take extra care to avoid them. Don't lose your head over it. Raging never ends well. Stay safe out there.
All I know is I was pissed off after watching it. ...and not at the RR.

I've been pissed for 3 days, and every time I check up on these threads and FB posts I just get pissed again. I just hate mob violence. It's cowardly and just allows a bunch of pussies to act like tough guys.
All I know is I was pissed off after watching it. ...and not at the RR.

You know what else really pissed me off is the guys with their girls on the back of their bikes participating in the chase. Every time I saw a girl go by riding pillion I was practically yelling at the monitor. That idiot rider is putting his lady in harms way.
So that’s it? We just pull over and allow terror to rise in the form of bike mobs on the streets.

no, that is not what I am saying. My initial thought is that the RR driver did something we did not see on video that was essentially akin to knocking a hornets nest down on the ground.

There is no official word on whether the Bikers targeted this Specific SUV for any reason, or if they were just trying to shut down the freeway in general, or if the SUV did something that caused Cruz to brake check the SUV. (All I can find are "alleged this, and Alleged that" statements)

It is very possible there was nothing at all that the family could have done to avoid the situation, there is also the possibility that the SUV Driver could have provoked Cruz, knowingly or unknowingly. There is also the possibility that the SUV driver could have slowed down sooner or gotten out of the way like some other cars in the video did.

I am in no way defending the bikers. They are all idiots for participating in such a large group ride.

I just wonder how others can do their best to avoid situations like this.

Large group rides have been happening over and over, freeways have been shut down, but this is the first time someone hit a bike and then ran over more people.

None of us can say for sure if the SUV could have stopped fast enough to avoid hitting Cruz. Some might be of the opinion he could have, others don't think he could have. I am withholding my opinion about that.

I have a feeling it might have turned out differently for the SUV driver and his family if he had been able to slow down faster and just let the idiots shut down the highway to do their idiotic stunts on public roads.

No, giant groups rides that lead to road closures and property destruction should not be allowed. However, individuals in their cars should also not take it upon themselves to merit out "justice".

I think there are lessons for those who ride and those who drive both.
Good smush.

I would have stayed on the highway with the police on the phone and ran over anyone else who screwed with me.

Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
I would have stayed on the highway with the police on the phone and ran over anyone else who screwed with me.

Yet more news comes out about the police's MIA status. It now turns out that there was an undercover cop on the scene who watched while all this went down. Internal affairs are now investigating what was going on and why no emergency call was made for assistance. Was he part of the biker crowd?

There is a lengthy article in this weekend's Wall Street Journal about this .... the piece ends with this, "Detectives so far identified and talked to "a few of the dozens and dozens" of motorcyclists who were either involved or may have witnessed the incident, a law-enforcement official said, adding, "We don't know 80% of what happened yet."

The more than 300 comments on the WSJ story are running about 10:1 AGAINST the bikers. When a relatively small group of dickhead bikers act like this they put a bad taste in the publics mind about bikers in general. Back in the 70's when I started to ride there were motels and other businesses that just didn't want to deal with bikers, they had a bad image. A lot of that was cleaned up with H-D riders getting out on the road, many of them doctors, lawyers and such that just were out looking for a fun ride on their cruiser. But with hooligans now entering the picture, often with naked bikes and sportbikes, and doing stunts like this the picture can change quickly. Wake up people and stand up against foolish street riding.....that includes some videos I see posted here with wheelies, hanging off on the street, and general stupid riding. It's our sport to lose.
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Yet more news comes out about the police's MIA status. It now turns out that there was an undercover cop on the scene who watched while all this went down. Internal affairs are now investigating what was going on and why no emergency call was made for assistance. Was he part of the biker crowd?

There is a lengthy article in this weekend's Wall Street Journal about this .... the piece ends with this, "Detectives so far identified and talked to "a few of the dozens and dozens" of motorcyclists who were either involved or may have witnessed the incident, a law-enforcement official said, adding, "We don't know 80% of what happened yet."

The more than 300 comments on the WSJ story are running about 10:1 AGAINST the bikers. When a relatively small group of dickhead bikers act like this they put a bad taste in the publics mind about bikers in general. Back in the 70's when I started to ride there were motels and other businesses that just didn't want to deal with bikers, they had a bad image. A lot of that was cleaned up with H-D riders getting out on the road, many of them doctors, lawyers and such that just were out looking for a fun ride on their cruiser. But with hooligans now entering the picture, often with naked bikes and sportbikes, and doing stunts like this the picture can change quickly. Wake up people and stand up against foolish street riding.....that includes some videos I see posted here with wheelies, hanging off on the street, and general stupid riding. It's our sport to lose.

There is a time and a place for everything when it comes to riding like an animal. Everyone here is guilty of having some fun every once in a while.

These people in this video are pieces of shit. I am sad that the RR driver got his ass beat. He had a 6000lbs weapon and did not put it to proper use.

One of the undercover cops handed in his badge and whatnot. GOOD. POS in my opinion.

This whole situation is just scary to see how quickly it can escalate from going ok to total insanity. I don't ride with idiots like this for a reason. Got one good friend I ride with and we are both ATGATT type riders. I have had multiple squids want to ride with us but when they are wearing T-shirts and shorts I don't even want to be seen with them. They assume we ride like nut jobs like them because we are the same age.

This story is getting weirder and weirder.

1> It was reported this week that the reason the guys were trying to slow down the SUV is because he had already hit one motorcycle and fled from that scene. Those claiming this say they have video footage of it, but that has not surfaced yet. (If that is truly the case the SUV driver will be getting less sympathy from many, and explains why he was stopped, why Cruz was staring him down before he pulled in front of him and slowed down. However this has not been confirmed.)

2> There was more than one undercover cop there, and now it turns out there was a off duty police officer who actually took part in damaging the SUV....... wow. Source: Undercover Cop Arrested For Attacking Range Rover In Biker Chase [UPDATE]

3> This I find very interesting, in the comments of the above linked article a Trucker is quoted as seeing this kind of behavior before and that gangs of motorcycles do this all the time. I will quote it here for you;

Raph, I don't know who this Marc Roffman is, but he had this to say on his FB page.

I found this on another message board. If you Google the first sentence, it has been repostsed quite a bit. Is it true, or just speculation by a NY trucker?

“As a trucker that would deliver in north jersey and New York I am familiar with these groups. I can hopefully clarify a few things. First the initial “accident” is part of a game they play. They ride in a huge group and will operate together to slow down traffic.

Next they pick out high end vehicles targeting people with families in them, the targets will usually be white or Asian. Then one of the riders will do a “brake check” and stop suddenly in front of the target vehicle causing a minor bump. In some cases they will just roll back into their target vehicle. They will then mob the vehicle demanding money and or begin attacking the person inside. It is their practice to also slash the tires to prevent the vehicle from escaping.

Truckers are well aware of them and are advised not to stop. You can clearly see in the video how they are well practiced in this style of attack. The police in NY have backed off them after an officer ran one down using his vehicle a few months back. The video was all over the net so I advise you to check it out.

These “bikers” ride dirt bikes and sport bikes very few of which are street legal and even fewer have plates. They run red lights, stop signs, and have no regard for the law. If you are ever in this situation do not stop, immediately call the police and do whatever you have to to keep them from boxing you in. NEVER leave the scene of an accident if you are not under direct threat!!! Only run if you have no other choice, and again immediately call the police.

This is not rare by any means, the only reason this incident got any attention is because of the helmet cam video being posted on the net. If you see anyone in this situation, call the police.

Make no mistake confusing these punks with true bikers. You will rarely if ever see a member of these gangs on a Harley. Do not for a minute blame true bikers for this kind of behavior. Bikers like those involved in the 2 million Bikers to DC Rally are American Patriots and would be among the first to come to your aid.

A final note, always be aware of motorcycles and share the road. Check your mirrors and don’t ride anyone’s bumper, motorcycles have a much smaller profile then a car and are harder to see.”

If this Quoted Trucker is telling the truth, that is very scary.

I don't think we will ever get the whole truth of this story.
This might be exactly why there were undercover cops riding with them.... to prove this and bring them to justice? It keeps getting deeper...
Make no mistake confusing these punks with true bikers. You will rarely if ever see a member of a gang on a Harley.

Yup, no gangs ever ride Harley's! :rofl:

Thanks Marc Roffman for stereotyping all sport bike riders as punks! :nono:
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It reminds me of the cut off maneuvers that were popular in California and the west coast in the 90s. Lead car cuts off driver/victim, and hits the brakes, causes a rear-end collision, and it got out of hand when they had a chase vehicle that would sandwich the driver/victim. Then all of a sudden, both cars are getting the same lawyer, going to the same chiropractor and getting huge settlements. It's why the exclusion was made in the law from a person that strike the rear end of another vehicle is always at fault to if the vehicle that gets in front of another and doesn't maintain a safe speed for the merger is then at fault.
It reminds me of the cut off maneuvers that were popular in California and the west coast in the 90s. Lead car cuts off driver/victim, and hits the brakes, causes a rear-end collision, and it got out of hand when they had a chase vehicle that would sandwich the driver/victim. Then all of a sudden, both cars are getting the same lawyer, going to the same chiropractor and getting huge settlements. It's why the exclusion was made in the law from a person that strike the rear end of another vehicle is always at fault to if the vehicle that gets in front of another and doesn't maintain a safe speed for the merger is then at fault.

And that is why I film all of my rides now that I have a GoPro. I want to protect myself in case some person decides to try something like that with me.