Tragedy: A fellow member really needs your prayers...


Our beloved Norm has had a family tragedy. He has lost his only son Jacob. Norm and his family are completely devastated by this. He wanted me to pass along this information to you all to explain why he hasn't been online.

Please take a moment to give your thoughts and prayers to Norm in his time of need.

Norm, I cannot begin to imagine the pain you and your family is suffering but my heart cries with you, beside you. I wish there was something that I could to do to help. I'll be here if you need me, just call and I'll make all the time I can for you.

Your friend forever.....

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Particularly as a parent I cannot imagine a loss like this. Norm, our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Godspeed Jake...
Sorry for your loss. As a father of two boys I can not imagine how hard this time has to be for you and your family. Our prayers will be with you.
Norm, my family will keep you, your family, and your son in our thoughts and prayers tonight.

Best wishes and my sincerest condolences,

OMG!!! Being a father myself I cannot even begin to comprehend what Norm and his family are going through right now. My prayers and condolences go out to his family...
When I saw the heading of the thread my heart sank for a moment. When I saw that Eric was the author I was afraid to click on it. I am totally devastated right now. I still am having trouble believing what has been written. Words can't express the sorrow that I am feeling.

Norm, I'm so sorry to hear about this terrible loss. My condolences to your entire family. If you ever need an ear you have my number.

I am deeply saddened by your families' loss. I offer you my condolences and have you and your family in my thoughts. Be strong my friend as your family needs you in this time.
Not having kids I can certainly say I have absolutely no idea what you must be going through right now. Even if I I did have children I doubt I could even begin imagine. Though we have all lost loved ones I doubt it is anything like the loss of your own child.

Norm, we will be thinking of you and your family and keep you in our prayers.