What is the most annoying thing you encountered while riding


Well-Known Member
I'll start by
1- riding behind a garbage truck, the smell is awful to the point of holding my breath until I pass it or completely change my route.
2- Riding behind a construction truck transporting sand on the freeway, I got sand blasted until I passed on the farthest lane from that truck as possible.
3- Going through a dust cloud/ leaf stirred up by a gardener's blower.
4- Going through a dust cloud coming from a construction site.
5- On a clear sunny dry day to suddenly encounter wet pavement in a sweeping turn coming from a house garden water drain.

Tell us about your worst riding encounters.
+1 on ridiculously low speed limits.

Cagers who drive below them.

Also skittish drivers - the ones who get nervous when a bike approaches from behind them. In my experience, they're the ones most likely to make silly/unexpected moves and cause an accident.

Middle lane campers!

People who flash their lights at you to get you to move over, whilst you're already overtaking someone - often already exceeding the speed limit.

Rant over... :)
First ride on the bike in 2 months and the wife calls and asks me to come home because she's not feeling well. Well not her fault, I'm blaming Murphy's law on this one!!!
+1 on ridiculously low speed limits.

Cagers who drive below them.

Also skittish drivers - the ones who get nervous when a bike approaches from behind them. In my experience, they're the ones most likely to make silly/unexpected moves and cause an accident.

Middle lane campers!

People who flash their lights at you to get you to move over, whilst you're already overtaking someone - often already exceeding the speed limit.

Rant over... :)

That sums it up for me - especially the middle-lane campers which includes lorries slowly overtaking lorries slowly overtaking lorries leaving 1 lane of the motorway for everyone else.

Oh, and idiots who on a congested motorway weave between lanes and often end up going backwards rather than forwards.
The middle lane campers are terrible but the worst thing out on the road are the Harley guys that give you that look...you know what look I'm talking about lol. "Harley is the only bike worth a sh**, and only sissy's drive jap bikes" ....cause I am such a sissy and my bike can accelerate twice as fast and I can actually do more than 110mph.

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Left lane campers (I refuse to pass on the right) and people who jam on their brakes when you pass them. I know it's because they're clueless, but I my heart still skips a beat as I scan the road ahead looking for the errant animal or vehicle that could cause them to jam the binders.
Stuck behind a hay truck when you have allergies. Eyes water and pretty soon you have to pull off the road so you can see and get rid of the snot lol.
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On the road
1. BS traffic laws/pigs
2. When there's anyone else in my way on a windy road or fun onramp
3. people who tailgate in a traffic jam (do you not see the wall of vehicles in front of me, where am I supposed to go?)
4. people in cars who try to aggressively pass and/or race me (this happens more than you think)

On Track Days

1. People who ride way over their heads (especially on the first couple laps with cold tires) and crash, red flagging the group and causing a delay for the rest of us.

2. When a slower rider takes the line you were going for and forces you to slam on the brakes and/or go off the track. (this happened to me at the last track day, I didn't crash but I did have to go off the track to avoid hitting the guy who took my line)
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Super slow drivers and no way to pass.

Also got stuck behind this lady in a SUV with a sun roof and windows down. My God, that chick sprayed perfume every 10 seconds! I could taste it. :banghead:

Going to super nice twisties to find all the corners have sand and gravel in them.

Jack asses that throw cig butts out the window and you watch it fly right into your chest...

Left lane turners that are oblivious to you.

How fast does your bike go?

Can it do wheelies?

Stuck behind a septic truck that is dripping "something".

Almost getting sandwiched between the median and a car because they simply cannot look to their left before changing lanes.


Last time I got hit with a cigarette I pulled up beside the guy at the stop sign. When his g/f figured out what I was yelling about she started screaming at him and punched him. It was great!
People that cover the road with grass clippings.

I've come across that a few times when leaned over in a corner, makes me pucker up every time...

I will also add live stock trucks - smell like manure - I seem to come across one every day around here.......must be due to all the farms around here, I guess...