My Little Buddy!!

Love it when he comes down to play for awhile.



He doesn't scratch to much. just uses claws enough to hang on. he also likes to lightly nibble when he plays. nothing breaks the skin or hurts. It is fun.

this is at my friends home in Wisconsin. They rescued the squirrel from a tree that was chopped down when it was an infant. They hand fed and raised it then slowly worked it into being back outside. He has adjust well to living with the other squirrels but still comes up to play with people he knows. I was around a lot when he was being raised so he knows and trusts me.
Is that a recent picture? I notice that you have snow there. Does that mean that your biking season is over, or is it going to melt so you can get out a few more times?
Is that a recent picture? I notice that you have snow there. Does that mean that your biking season is over, or is it going to melt so you can get out a few more times?

Yup pics were taken yesterday (Saturday). Snow on the ground but it will most likely melt. There might be a couple days to get out but mostly the season is done.

I currently am in bike project mode anyway so nothing to ride right now anyway.
That's really cool! We feed some of the wild ones here but then the chipmunks moved in and ruined the party.

Reminds me of..............................

[ame=]Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Movie Clip - YouTube[/ame]
We have one in the yard that looks just like yours. He was waring with a couple of Magpies yesterday. It was amusing to watch. I am not sure what the problem was but he would chase the magpies, and then they would sit out of reach and taunt him. It went on for hours.
We have a family of "black" squirrels in the neighborhood. That's right their fur is black instead of gray/brown. However, they are your typical squirrel and not that friendly so no chance of getting pictures like those.
I was in 7th grade when I tried to do the same thing. The bugger bit me and pierced my finger in two places to the bone. Trip to hospital and can still see the scars 20 some odd years later.