Need Point and Shoot Advice

I need to order a nice point and shoot for the office. It will be for our MArketing coordinator to take photos at receptions and parties. So... most of the photos will be interior and with lower light. I have not had much luck with the last few I bought.

Any help appreciated! Thanks!

I am a fan of Nikon cameras, with that said try and find something with good optical zoom so you don't get a bunch of those shaky shots.
I'm curious because I've yet to find a decent P&S that meets all the requirements, especially with indoor and low lighting. I want a good one that will make it simple for motorcycle trips rather than that bulky Sony I currently use. I'm guessing Canon or Nikon will be the clear winner though.
SX230HS is a do it all camera like the megazoom ones except that it is compact like the SD series. It does have a lot of SLR like function and some cool features like smile and blink detection. It has stellar performance so far. One thing I didn't like about the G series is the poor optical zoom.

It has higher ISO rating of 3200 and it does pretty good compared to others. It has high sensitivity and image stabilizer so pretty good at blur reduction. Amazon had an afternoon deal and I snagged it at $280. The deal hasn't resurfaced since.

This shootout helped a lot:

Comparison pictures:
Canon SX230 HS vs Nikon S9100 vs Sony HX9v: Canon Talk Forum: Digital Photography Review
Fuji HS10

I just bought a Fujifilm HS10 a few weeks ago. It is a larger "bridge" camera so it's not something you can keep in your pocket. That said, it has a great low light mode as well as a simple automatic mode. I bought it for photographing deer in my back yard. They usually roam through around dusk. The other great thing is the 30X optical zoom.
About the best thing going right now in the world of point and shoot cameras is the canon s95.... Wide aperture, great low light capability, manual controls, and the ability to shoot in RAW... Not to mention a high fps and quick reaction time... it's a little pricey... But well worth it.. Talk to the professional photogs, and this is the "sidearm" that many of them carry...
There is a lot more to low light photography.

I use a Canon IDMKIV with an f/4 lens ($12,000USD +) and it works just fine in caves.

Look for IS, pixel density and flash quality plus about 7 more factors.

My suggestion is get on camera forums and talk to the pros of which I am one of many. :)

PS don't ever expect much of a PHD (Press here dummy) Camera they simply are toys.

Have a look at a good entry level DSLR and you won't look back.
You're not talking to some newb here..I've been shooting professionally for some time...

and we're not talking about a DSLR... we're talking about a P&S camera. ... given the price of a 1dMK4 is $5k ... What f/4 lens are you pairing it with that's $7k? are you shooting in caves with a 500m f/4IS? I'm just saying... I'm used to you from the other forum...I'm used to your outlandish bragging about things that you supposedly have, and things you supposedly know.... Don't come in here and brag while you deliver people incorrect advice...

In any case... you're pointing to a review on a camera from 2009... there have been many wonderful advances in the past few years....

To the OP.... if you're interested in what Point and Shoot cameras are actually considered high end point and shoot cameras... here you go.

From DP review:
From C-net:;contentBody;1r
Popular Photography: List sorted by the highest rating ... -
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To Va Rider

Sounds like you are a bit upset over nothing, I took my time and gave you a referred opinion from friends of mine and you jump down my throat, pray tell why.

You want to see my setup for caving in New Guinea.


I have learned my lesson.