January 2011 M.B.O.M.- Winner!

January 2011 - M.B.O.M - Vote Here

2 days left to Vote. Any Last minute voters please take the time.

We have a fair number of new members that could still change the outcome. Just follow the above link. Scroll down to the bottom (third) set of photoes. Under each photo it will say vote. Just click on the vote under the picture that you think is best. You can view a bigger version of the picture by clicking on the photo itself. If you have any questions or need help PM me. Also think about entering in the following months contest which will start New Years day.

Thank you to all that have taken the time to vote already. There are a few really nice bikes that have not yet seen a vote, hopefully that will change.

January 2011 - M.B.O.M - Winner!

Congratulations CRO_FZ1 on the winning entry!


It looks like you will be the first person in Rijeka Croatia to be wearing a FZ1 Forum hat and T-shirt!

Thank You all that voted and entered the final contest of 2010.

For all the first time entries, please send me your shipping address in a PM and I will send you a Forum decal for entering.
Congrats to CRO_FZ1. Great looking bike.

What a fun contest. Let's make next month even better. I just wish the weather was better so I could get more pics, but I still have an idea or two. Now I just need some time to set them up. :sinister: