mounting bag to the seat

Not really on the GenI. Just something I've been thinking about in preparation for travel. Right now, my soft bag is on the passenger section of the seat (Bike on sidewalk):

I was wondering if a hard case could be mounted to the seat pan like the GenIIer's do (pics from DRZ400SK4 on ADVRider since this was the first I saw:)


Just wanted to know before I sold the seat. The last time I sold a seat, I had a fire on the bike (vx800) that burned a hole in the seat pan and wished I'd kept it.
What size case would you recommend? I don't think I want to use a pelican or similar case type case. I was looking at this one. It's dimensions: 18-1/2"W x 16"L x 11-1/2"H or 33 liters of luggage capacity.


I figured I'd cut out the ebay middle man and go straight to the source.
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hmmmmm, not seeing the Ninja link....but if it fits your need and what you are trying to achieve....:popcorn: I await the end result....
I have no idea. I saw this posted on advrider then later on st.n forums asking the same question. When you look through their stuff, It resembles JCWhitney's site. I can only guess it's some sort of partnership or a buyout. :confused0024:
Hearty thanks to theWolfTamer! I just ordered two of those large trunks from Sears. :tup: I'm going to put them on the FZ1 and the FZ6R since they share very similar seating setups. :D

I'm going to use this guy's idea (striz) from the other forum. I hope he doesn't mind me putting his photos up over here too!





If I could get the double seat setup on the gen1, that's what I'd be doing. I'm ordering my bag tomorrow and will be hacking up the second seat soon after that. Looking at the way the grab rails are on the gen1, I may not have to be so extreme as the Ninja guy when I build the platform. We'll see.
Eric I take it you're looking for a spare back seat ;) Should turn out good.

Yes and no... ;) I'm going to carefully remove the cover and foam and save it to staple back on should I sell the bike later. If I can get a rear seat for a deal though, that would be great! :D (The one on the bike right now is the Top Saddlery seat :eek: )

I'm actually hoping to order with my bonus one of Copperdog's Strike seat cowls, then I can just swap it out for the case when I am going to travel with the bike. Now, if I had a spare pillion seat to tear down, then I can keep the TS pillion intact for passengers, have one for the trunk setup and the cowl for just sport riding. :D
Yes and no... ;) I'm going to carefully remove the cover and foam and save it to staple back on should I sell the bike later. If I can get a rear seat for a deal though, that would be great! :D (The one on the bike right now is the Top Saddlery seat :eek: )

I'm actually hoping to order with my bonus one of Copperdog's Strike seat cowls, then I can just swap it out for the case when I am going to travel with the bike. Now, if I had a spare pillion seat to tear down, then I can keep the TS pillion intact for passengers, have one for the trunk setup and the cowl for just sport riding. :D
What's a bonus or a raise, have not had one of those in company removed those from the dictionary a number of years back :(
What's a bonus or a raise, have not had one of those in company removed those from the dictionary a number of years back :(

That sucks! Sorry man! When my (past) company's performance and funds dropped while I worked for them, I always updated my resume and started searching. It's easier to find a great job while still employed! ;)

Hope things turn around!
I ordered my medium case today and got $3 off so I only paid $29 + shipping and tax was $42. Too bad you can't pick 'em up in the store.

Nice!! When I tried to order online, it messed up three times, so I chatted with a Sears person and had her call me. After working it out over the phone, she sold me the two cases and refunded me the shipping costs.

This is going to be a cool project. Thanks for the nudge!
I ordered my medium case today and got $3 off so I only paid $29 + shipping and tax was $42. Too bad you can't pick 'em up in the store.

Nice!! When I tried to order online, it messed up three times, so I chatted with a Sears person and had her call me. After working it out over the phone, she sold me the two cases and refunded me the shipping costs.

This is going to be a cool project. Thanks for the nudge!

Do you two know if this is a perpetual item in their inventory or is it some kind of special seasonal thing. In other words... Do I need to but it NOW? :)